Taiwan's National Palace Museum

 That is the correct name:

Taiwan's National Palace Museum

So the history of China, you know of its from 4000 years ago. That is way before I Ching was discovered and being made into a book. That was the time of 周朝

You just need to call them to ask a proper question, because you don't believe it, when I tell you Taiwan was Original Top of Original China Top 1911, after Qing Dynastry was over. 宣統三年

So I am telling you, you ask them how far back the China history artifact you collect in years. Which BC.

Can you tell me a modern which museum will collect 4000 years China history artifacts, if they are not move over here originally? They are in Chinese the Home page video, so I cannot tell you what kinds of treasure they have.

Long time of China Ancient History, Kingship are made at the Main domain of territory. For example, current Capital of China, is situate at the Water gate, that is many civilizaion will know of, its base on the water (river) to have a livelihood. There are two main rivers of China, everyone knows of 長江、黃河. Literally, China civilization of any kinds, are the drifting of the society citizen catch a living by these rivers.

Now, the Kingship system of China, and Mongolian are different. They are outbound race.

Do you remember I told my blood history, in my last name?

Same equivalent of Mongolian has other names of these outbound race.

You would never say, that is British did, that is Romanion.

How do you feel? 

Their names are 



These outbound race, when if the Kingship of China is strong, and rich, and full potential of being the righterous of Kingship of strongest of the strongest, these outbound race annual year will offering something into this main territory domain of China Lands. 中原

After Great Wall build, it means the south of that, yeah.

But there are treasure of all treasure are being given to the King of that China Kingship of that dynasty.

So do you still need that the name of Taiwan's National Palace Museum, that original government move down south was a part of joke, they didn't bring any money, gold, silver, artifacts, treasure of all treasure ?

That is why its called Taiwan's National Palace Museum.


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