
I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

Before I go ...

Again, New URL: 194world001c.blogspot.com

Taiwan's National Palace Museum

Movie: In Time (True Story, of my description in life)

 As one of my website 帝王制 King of Kings information site to demonstrate for others to introducing themselves online, I telling you a story of mine "running In Time"


No one knows how things are make it in life.

Because someone just randomly post a short clip, to tell you about.... my life.

I simply made a many playlist on YouTube with a year to indicate something before that 2017 King of Kings Years coming from. That is 5 Lords Reviews.

You woke up on a bed, or many time fainted on the bed, to not able to tell the MD profession, what is the tigolish of electric wave, on you. 5 Lords Reviews are time stretcher, and punishment system. 

But if I tell you, my life never gonna be the same like I used to, this is the story like the movie: In Time.

They are telling you a lesson, not necessarily a trajectory of my Life. 

You read about "One Photo", that Justin Timberlake saving target, is Ankeheseamen.

The same story, in Red River, on the Egypt side, I say, there are only how many photo, she shows up. She is the high priest princess by Royal Blood, by collective karma of that riots society system, there is monk. While the Kail session of world, is a future dreamy high school comcubine coming to venture of New World Order to bring World peace in that nation.

If you are a common person, you hear about this.

If you are survillance people with a brain, to hear this.

Do you understand, there is two side story?

What do I keep saying to you?

This is the story of the Egypt, the Hittie story of Cocumbine dreaming World Peace is missing.....

"After c. 1180 BC, during the Late Bronze Age collapse, the Hittites splintered into several independent Syro-Hittite states, some of which survived until the eighth century BC before succumbing to the Neo-Assyrian Empire."

 Neo-Assyrian Empire


 To tell you a story about in time, I will relate to you, there are so many personels, might be behind this screen learning how to analyze last court paper, to try to copy and paste, or copy to exams.

The last court paper on my last site. URL: https://194world001a.blogspot.com/

There are people reading it, because they are survillience.

There are people examine it, because they are also surveillance. 

Tell me, what would you find wrong if you pictures, those whom taken that tests, movies are real, and Anna I, put all these story, on my advantage to run "In Time"?

    Photo, image does have effects.

    Wants, greed, attachment, hurts, wants, more wants, do have effects.

Tell me, after your examine hours of last court paper, and seeing mine. How many times you walk out of my exams and feel dead?

Back to my photo story, not just beauty peagent, I shameless just took over Egypt that has no story bounds in Red River Manga, Site story taleing, to tell you, that was just a few photo, and I sent you gazillion photo images made as below 2018-2020

Shamelessly, to claim, Ancient Egypt as mine, and these guys are??? As the video following the sequence of One photo.

You literally post your self in front of Ipad Pro, stay there, photo shooting, and post online, with a web design, you just have to do it ! 

Have you thinking the procedure so far so good, there is no dragging back your examine dates, like per day?

Do you feel dragging back of your exam days, are delay?

Someone claim the world responsibility, and resume that leadership. You have believe your life in one day, and one day woke up, to believe something totally different.

Are you prepared to do all this, all that, all will you ever be done, if one day, you can assume, to be in the leadership shoes?

Would you do more if the video clips effect is only 1/1000 telling others your suffering. A very short story. Not exaggerating at all.

Everyone will tell you, the movie is just exaggerating. Can you do what it takes to make, to shrink that size of the movies screen, to make the movies not just true. Its just 1/1000 effects true.

Do you really understand every word I say?

Do you understand every word, this lyrics say? "Build you a whole New World"

Are you willing to stay online 24 hours, because you are innocent prove from all the movies becoming true, "where are you, missy?" "I am online!". Just to be that shameless ! Whatever reason, you don't bother to tell anymore, the conan detective movies says 不再場證明 is their entire Franchiase main theme.

That is 不再場證明

So I ask you again

我在問妳們一次~你們真的看得懂我講了什麼,這歌詞到底說了什麼? 什麼是 A whole brand New World?" 就是建設一個全新的世界,你們確定你們了解什麼是每一個詞彙弄得清清楚楚?

Because I speak in English, at least those whom speak English knows what I mean, my last court paper and this pandemic, with this song.

Build you a whole New World.

How exaggerating would be? Don't you want to rate it?

The future potential, and the future outlook to this promising clips.

Is that 1/1000?





I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go